`~ Repetita iuvant – Repeating does good. ~
Training and practice are the best way to perfect our method and improve our work processes. As part of our internal verification procedures, we carry out controlled release (CR) tests on a regular basis. This means we test our gas measuring equipment against known methane rates, and we double-check the validity of the results. We also develop new software features to make the work more accessible to others.
Thanks to the support of the local community, our operational partners ReSource Solutions Sweden AB have access to great facilities. We want to thank the family-owned Bunge Airfield for their help. Bunge Airfield is a special place for aviation enthusiasts like us. It even has its own Aviation Museum which welcomes many tourists every year.
We plan to publish some results, but let us know if you want to learn more from our method GASTRAQ (www.gastraq.com).