In September 2021, The European Union and the United States announced the Global Methane Pledge, an initiative to reduce global methane emissions to be launched at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in November in Glasgow.
The Global Methane Pledge aims to limit methane emissions by 30% compared with 2020 levels. Methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gases and is responsible for at least a third of current warming from human activities. Beginning of November, During COP26, more than 100 countries have signed up for the initiative.
ReSource has been developing new solutions for methane emissions measurement for the last years. We now have packaged the solution under our service GASTRAQ. We are pleased to see that countries have made methane emissions abatement a priority and believe that in order to fix a problem you need to quantify it. More importantly, now it is the industry that has to take action and actually apply solutions.
Get more info on the methane pledge here: Joint EU-US Press Release on the Global Methane Pledge