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First GASTRAQ project in Hungary

By December 15, 2022January 14th, 2023News

We are grateful to have had the opportunity to provide OGMP Level 5 measurements for FGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt. in collaboration with Intero – The Sniffers and with the support of the UAV operator Geo Layer.

Our GASTRAQ-Flux survey was done at the station of Kistokaj beginning of December over 2 days to collect as much data as possible. We had a bit of an issue with the 4G connection on site, but we always have a backup for that reason and we had great support from the operator and partners present on the first day!

Level 5 measurement (top-down) will complete source-level measurements which are constantly being carried out in cooperation with the University of MiskolcFGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt. aims at determining the emissions arising from their operations to eliminate them as soon as possible. #cutmethane

We are now preparing and lining up projects for next year, which is going to be a busy one!

Team GASTRAQ in Hungary